Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Marae Noho

We are learning about significant places around Kawakawa. Yesterday we visited Ruapekapeka Pa. Matua Alb and Whaea Aniata shared their knowledge of Ruapekapeka Pa. 

Some people lived in the holes in the olden days. Taiarahia

I liked the big ditches and I liked the big Maori pole. By Mahina

Ruapekapeka helped some Maori people. Cage 

I saw some big holes and big hills. By Manawa-Rangi 

Maori people worked as a team at Ruapekapeka Pa. Kahukura 

I liked running around the holes. The Maori soldiers used to live in the holes. By Nikau

I saw some holes in the ground and some big trees. By Sonny T. 

I liked the holes. People used to live there. Righteous

I ran around the holes. The war men lived in the holes and hid in the holes. James 

I remember running in the ditches and I saw lots of mushrooms. Kyla 

Ruapekapeka is important for Maori people. Erica


  1. Wow Room 8 it looks like you had a great visit up to Ruapekapeka. I liked reading about what you liked up there and seeing your photos. Room 6 had a great visit up there also and learnt lots of interesting things about the history of Ruapekapeka.

    1. My name is Cage. Thank you for commenting on our blog. My best thing was going inside the holes with James. What did you like Mrs. Henare?

  2. How my name is guy from papakaio school. why do you like the maori pole?

    1. My name is Mahina and I go to Kawakawa Primary School. The pole is called a pou. I liked the pou because it was big and long. Thank you for making a comment.

  3. Hi room 8 it looks like you really enjoyed Ruapekapeka for your Noho Marae and the stories at the bottom are really good about Ruapekapeka.Hope to see more of your post.Summah

  4. Kia Ora room 8 it's me Darnica from room 6. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun and I liked how you guys did a poem about Ruapekapeka as well so keep up the workroom 8.

  5. kia ora I am Angelina am in room 7 I really love your photo bye

  6. Hi Room 8 it is kailah I liked your photos because I like Ruapekapeka . from kailah in Room7

  7. Hi Room 8 it is kailah I liked your photos because I like Ruapekapeka . from kailah in Room7

  8. Hi kahukura I like your work I hope you do more from Ana R-7

  9. hi my name is konrad i like that place i wish i could go there one day
    and that looks real fun
    and that is where the pakeha tried ro kill us moari and we smoked them i have herd about that place
